Like any other social media platform available across the whole world, building a following is not all that easy and for the case of Periscope; the case is not any different. However, a wise man once said that it is the little things that really count and by doing the small simple but fundamental things, you are able to reposition your broadcast to a position whereby it is followed by more and more people. So having said that, what are some of the things that one can do in a bid to build that following?
Well, first of all, it is imperative that you ensure that your account is accessible to the public. Having a public account ensures that your content is viewable and accessible to a wide audience within your social circle. By having a private broadcast, you limit the viewers of your videos and in turn, you also limit the number of periscope followers that you are bound to get. Also, and perhaps most importantly, ensure that you share interesting and amusing content. This is what will attract more and more followers for your broadcast and in the long run, building a following doesn’t have to be an uphill task anymore.