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If you want to grow your business, you are likely on social media. This is a place that has so many facets and so many unique aspects that it can really benefit your business in a multitude of ways. But, many of the current or established businesses that have not fully embraced their social media options are struggling to know which sites to really push for and what places they need to be. For those who are milling over this question, the short of it is that there is no right answer for your business.
Those that are on Periscope, for example, are wanting Periscope followers that can convert into sales for their business. Therefore, they should have mastered Periscope and the art of video before ever attempting to recruit Periscope followers. For those that want Facebook followers, they need to know that their audience that they are striving for is established on this site and has a relationship with it. Therefore, they need to give the mixed media content that is necessary to capture their attentions. Knowing the audience and the site, then, can really impact which one that is chosen and which one is best for business.